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Monday 4 February 2002

Kerry Power 2002

Placed in underground train:

Trubba Not


I first read Riddley soon after it was available here in Oz and I found the language fascinating... RW is a great book to read out loud... I encouraged my friends to read the book and soon we were using a few words from the book, like Arga Warga and Comping Station (we worked in insurance!)... but the most common words we used were “Trubba not” has now become a part of my own family sayings... I say “Trubba not” and the kids respond “No Trubba”, even though they have not yet read RW or his adult books - they know him quite well from Frances, The Mouse and His Child and other “kids” books.

So, when it came to selecting a RH quote, this seemed to be the logical choice - it contains the simple innocence of Riddley and if we think about it hard enough, the two words have a depth about them that we could all find comfort from in today's world. If only we could go to the UN and say “Trubba Not” and all the countries of the world reply “No Trubba”.

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