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Saturday 4 February 2006

Vernon Ó Heigheartaigh 2006

I'm new to sa4qe, but a sometime visitor and member of the Kraken (Ernie Óh). First participant from Ireland, by the look of things.

The first of two quotes was placed above at Letterkenny General Hospital and at Fintra Strand (in a non-littering fashion):

'Do you think the rain remembers, Fremder?'

'I think everything remembers, Pythia.'

'…especially the rain. It remembers when the world was new, remembers how the seas filled up. Think of all the midnights and the dawns the rain remembers, how many there were before a single word was spoken. Neither pleasant palaces nor wild dogs to howl in them, only the steam rising as the seas filled up, only the white mist on the water in the ancient mornings.'

from Fremder

The second was posted at the telephone kiosk at the bottom of Donegal Courthouse steps:


The sea is full of marvels but there are no answers in it. There are remote beaches where certain things are insisted upon. There are crabs whose bodies are like human faces, angry and disappointed faces with mouth parts gabbling silently, urgently. These faces are carried on jointed legs, they hurry along the tidal edge drivenly surviving from one moment to the next; there is no time to lose if their line of angry and disappointed faces is to continue.

In the spring tides the female crab releases her ten thousand eggs, each one a potential angry and disappointed face and most of them will be eaten by the creatures of the sea. The female stands not like a face on legs, she stands huge, heroic and technological, like a spacecraft poised on elaborately articulated legs; she stands like the most modern thing in the world and she expels into the sea these ten thousand ancient faces.

from The Medusa Frequency

Sorry, no photos, but I may be able to take one of Fintra Strand - 'sea and remembering' may still be there.

--Ernie Óh

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